Fire Evacuation Training for staff at the Winding Wheel on Monday 14th March at 6pm – this normally takes 2 hours.
It would be really great if the Access Group could help out with this as you are the ones who know first hand the difficulties some people might face in such a stressful scenario as the evacuation of a building. The first 30 minutes tend to be talking through the fire evacuation procedure followed by 3 or 4 drills in scenario situation.
If anyone wants to be briefed on this beforehand that can be arranged.
I will send you a meeting request and I will presume those that “accept” the meeting will be able to be there on the night.
As a special thank you for this, after the event we can offer those attending a free ticket to one of our film screenings at the Pomegranate.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Wendy Blunt
Health and Wellbeing Officer
Chesterfield Borough Council
Town Hall
S40 1LP
Tel: 01246 959657
Mobile: 07811 117 015